虛擬實境高空工作訓練 VR Immersive Training for Working at Height

開發公司: 米泰域數碼有限公司

Developer: VTM Digital Limited


米泰域數碼有限公司開發了一套針對高空工作的VR訓練套件,模擬真實的工作情況及常見問題,讓學員識別不同施工環境的安全隱患。訓練設計了三個不同的高空工作場景,分別是1) 金屬棚架,2)釘板工序和3)機電安裝維修。訓練期間,工友彷彿置身於真實的工地環境,有逼真的學習體驗和互動;如果工友沒有採取正確的安全步驟,就會即時體驗到發生意外的後果。這種虛擬經歷,能加強工友們對發生意外的切身感受,深化對安全的重視,令學習過程更深刻,驅使他們改變工作行為及心態,將知識學以致用,提升高空工作安全,減少意外發生。

Working at height has always been one of the tasks with very high risk for the construction workers. The industry is constantly thriving to improve work safety at heights, but the number of fatalities remains substantial. To improve the situation, workers must receive safety training to increase their awareness of the potential safety hazards of working at height. However, what can be done to really arouse their attention􀉼encouraging them to make changes in their work behaviors and mentality? To achieve this goal, virtual reality (VR) training would probably be an effective way.

VTM Digital Limited has developed a VR training kit for working at height. The training simulates real work conditions and common safety issues, aiming to alert the trainees of potential safety hazards under different construction site scenarios. There are three training scenes: 1) Metal scaffolding; 2) Formwork; and 3) Electrical and mechanical installation. The training provides realistic workplace experience for interactive learning. If workers do not take proper safety precautions, they will experience the consequences of the accident. It would deepen their understanding on the importance of construction safety, thus changing their work behaviors and safety mindset, fostering safety culture to reduce accidents.


  • 無線VR裝置,令使用變得更靈活及安全
  • 無需接駁電腦及感應器,方便隨時隨地應用
  • 訓練所需空間不大,標準貨櫃辦公室也能使用
  • 模擬工地常見高空工作情況作練習訓練
  • 提供逼真及互動的教學體驗


  • Wireless VR devices provides flexible and safer user experience
  • No need to connect with computer and sensor, easy to use anywhere
  • Not much space is required for training, standard container office space is sufficient to use
  • Simulate common work at height conditions for practice training
  • Provide realistic workplace experience for interactive learning